
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • I am a Compliance Analyst within Strategic Outsourcing Delivery of our Global Technology Services line of business. I have the responsibility of making sure that servers on specific accounts are compliant to the technical specifications that we agree with our clients through healthchecking. I am also responsible for product support on our healthchecking tool, specifically driving down the amount of non-connecting servers to the console as well as creating and managing violation issues that occur. I am also the Data Entry Focal for KPIs, a responsibility that I perform on a monthly basis. I interact with my team on a daily basis, through instant messaging and our daily teleconference huddles.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • Since I began, I have become more confident in my own ability and my self belief has enhanced as a result of this. I am now much more able when it comes to presentations and often travel to schools, colleges and 6th form centres to provide an insight into the Apprenticeship scheme that we provide to potential new hires. I have attended training internally as part of my OCR course, which include things such has how to interact and present to clients in accordance with IBM's model of best practice. Since starting my apprenticeship I have enhanced my Excel knowledge (Fomulae, Marcos, VB) which allows me to provide outstanding results to my team in the form of reporting which is sent to senior management. I have also done training in my own time based around security, using IBM RedBooks as I have a keen interest to align my career to security. In terms of qualifications, I aim to complete my ITIL as well as my Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) and Certified Ethical Hacking (CEH) with guidance from my Professional Development Manager.


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I thoroughly enjoy the apprenticeship scheme and as a career choice I feel like I made the correct decision in choosing IBM. The calibre of clients that I am exposed to as an apprentice and the amount of responsibility that is put upon me is ideal and of paramount importance to my development.


  • 4. How valued do you feel by IBM?
  • On the grand scale of things, as with any globally integrated enterprise, I understand that I am a small fish in a very big pond. However within my own line of business, I am made to understand how even the most basic of responsibilities that I have make up the bigger picture. As an apprentice, I am something of an unknown quantity within the greater IBM community, but this certainly works to my advantage as employees in general are keen to understand the background of the scheme and how apprentices are utilised within the business. Considering I have only been within the company just short of 18 months, I feel like I am on an equal par with employees, I have even had the opportunity to have 1to1 meetings with high level executives of the company, which proves how much IBM values not only myself, but apprentices in general.


  • 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • With regards to training structure, I was given a compulsory training guide, known as the Master Training Plan, which I used to plan and track what training was necessary for me to complete. I have also been given career guidance by my Professional Development Manager on what next steps are. I was also encouraged to compile my own career plan which is what I will use to get to where I want to be. I am also given 'buddy's' who help with getting settled into the business. I have sourced my own mentors within the company based on their experience and how they can help me achieve my goals, one of whom is an executive of the company.


  • 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
  • I am given guidance from my Professional Development Manager on all things relating to career and training advice. The high availability of my PDM makes it very easy to have queries answered in relation to the scheme in a timely manner.


  • 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • This is very similar to the above, but inclusive of my Task Manager, who I have regular meetings with to discuss my progress, responsibilities and next steps to further improve my career.


  • 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
  • I am very happy with my salary in relation to my cost of living. With incremental and performance related pay also being available this also works to my advantage. In relation to location, IBM offers very flexible working locations to some of it's employees, based on circumstance. Luckily, I was fortunate enough to become a remote worker, meaning that I could live and work anywhere in the country within reason. This has helped me further with costs.


  • 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
  • We have a scheme called 'Giveback' which is IBMs opportunity to give back to the community through human resource. I will often travel to schools, colleges, 6th forms and even university to provide presentations on getting on to one of IBMs Foundation schemes. There are also various sporting activities that are available to employees throughout the year, the most notable being The Corporate Games every summer. Also IBM Rewards offers opportunities outside of work in the form of discounted tickets, memberships and other things.


  • 9. Would you recommend IBM to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • - The learning that you will participate in will set you up for a successful career within the company - The responsibility that you receive is above what you would expect and it allows you to prove yourself within the company - The general nature of IBM staff, is welcoming, warm and everybody is keen to help you, something that is of great value to someone starting their career. - IBM is a world leader, having the opportunity to work for such an organisation is something to aspire to and be proud of. - From a tangible perspective, IBM offers a very competitive salary for any young professional looking to start their career. - IBM is such a diverse company that there are very few things, in terms of job roles, that you cannot do. Your career path is your own personal preference and your own choice.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to IBM?
  • My main piece of advice would be to work on a personal portfolio of things that you do in your own time as this will make you stand out above others as a potential candidate for the scheme. Being innovative and pro active whilst still in education is a massive plus to any employer, so work on something that you can tangibly bring up in an application form and interview scenario. I would also advise doing your homework on IBM, the initiatives that are currently being run and what IBM is aiming to achieve. Last of all, emit passion and enthusiasm to work for IBM at every stage of the application process.


Level 3 Apprenticeship

Information Technology

East of England

January 2014

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