Public Sector Guide to Apprenticeships, Higher Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships

5.36 million people work for the public sector in the UK. That’s about 16% of the population. So… if you think about it, out of John from across the road, Mary next door and your mum’s friend, Carol, one of them probably is employed in the public sector.

Public Sector Guide to Apprenticeships, Higher Apprenticeships and Degree Apprenticeships

5.36 million people work for the public sector in the UK. That’s about 16% of the population. So… if you think about it, out of John from across the road, Mary next door and your mum’s friend, Carol, one of them probably is employed in the public sector.

Not sure what the public sector is?

In this guide, we’ll take a look at the range of industries and job roles that fall within the public sector. We will also breakdown the main benefits of working in these industries:

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What is the public sector?

Trying to find a simple answer when you google ‘what is the public sector’ is like trying to solve a Rubix cube when you have hooks for hands. It’s tricky.

If you ever asked Alexa, ‘Alexa, what is the public sector?’, she’d have a nervous breakdown. That’s because it covers a mad range of different sectors that the government or local authorities are responsible for.

The word public sector is an umbrella term that covers a range of different industries, including protective services like the police and the Army. It also spans across the education system, the NHS and our healthcare system, as well as both social and civil services.

What apprenticeships are available in the public sector?

Armed Forces Apprenticeships

The armed forces are the responsibility of the Ministry of Defence, working to keep the UK safe. Apprenticeships are available in different branches of the military, including the Army, RAF and Royal Navy.

If you’re interested in doing an apprenticeship in the armed forces click below!


Civil Service Apprenticeships

The civil service describes anything that the government is responsible for. Big things like collecting taxes (HMRC) to the little things like mystery shopping for hard cheese…

If you have an interest in the civil service or if we caught your attention at the hard cheese, click below!


NHS Apprenticeships

Did you know that the NHS is the largest employer in the UK and 5th largest in the world? It just misses out on 4th place to McDonald’s… There are more people serving Happy Meals and McChicken Sandwiches than there are doctors and nurses - that’s frightening.

Help the NHS knock McDonald’s out of 4th place! We have a whole guide on apprenticeships in the NHS, if you’re interested click below!


Teaching Apprenticeships

School is a place for monumental moments. Remember when your beloved year 3 teacher taught you all about the Tudors and Henry IIIV’s bad dating record? Or the anxiety you felt as you ripped open the brown envelope to your GCSE results? Or maybe the moment you’ll never forget is when Lenny died in Of Mice and Men?

If you want to create more of these memories, then maybe consider an apprenticeship in teaching! Click below to get educated in teaching apprenticeships.


Police Apprenticeships

Did you know that you can become a police officer by doing an apprenticeship? The schemes available range from level 4 to level 6.

To read our extensive guide to police apprenticeships, click below! AND if you're feeling extra inspired, watch Bad Boys (1 and 2).


Social Care Apprenticeships

Those working in Social Care are crucial to society, just like traffic lights or a strong wifi connection. A great way to break into this rewarding industry is to do so through apprenticeships.

Click below to read our guide on apprenticeships in the social care sector.


TfL Apprenticeships

Do you live in London? Want free travel in and around London? If you work for TfL, you get free travel for you and a buddy! You could be saving yourself a cracking £135 a month.

Guess what, you can work for the TfL through doing an apprenticeship - to read our guide on how to get on to one of these marvellous schemes, click below!


Benefits of working in the public sector

There are countless benefits to working in the public sector. We’ve written a poem Shakespeare would be proud of to help you remember them.

The public sector provides many opportunities,
You’d be making a positive impact on communities,
You will see career progression,
And have a killer pension!
Not to mention job security.

As the poem excellently highlights, working in the public sector has real benefits.

There are so many different roles to choose from, most of which are a fantastic opportunity to have a positive impact on society. Hooray to that.

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