8 August 2023

What to Do if You’re Not Going to Uni

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University isn’t for everyone, and that’s completely okay. Seriously, who wants freshers’ flu?

There are so many other exciting routes to a successful career.

Whatever your reasons for not going to university, if you’re looking for an alternative – you’ve come to the right place.


One great way to launch your career is through an apprenticeship. Think of them as learning while on the job. They cover a wide range of industries, so if you fancy working in Digital Marketing, Agriculture, or even as a Theatre Technician – there’s something for everyone.

Not only will you gain valuable experience while you work, you’ll also spend your time working towards achieving professional qualifications (GCSEs/A-Levels/degree) through classroom learning.

On top of all of this, you’ll also get paid.

90% of apprentices go into work or further training after completing their apprenticeship. A third are hired permanently by their employer. The possibilities? Hello! Yes, please.

What apprenticeships are available to me?

Variety is the spice of life and apprenticeships are no exception. There are hundreds of apprenticeships available, and the one you choose will depend on any qualifications and experience you’ve picked up during school and college.

These include:

What qualifications will I need?

All schemes vary, but most will require you to have two or more GCSEs graded at 9 to 4 (A* to C). An equivalent qualification, like a traineeship, can also be helpful.

Some companies will consider those who may not have the relevant qualifications but have a whole lot of work experience in their chosen field.

Work Experience

Work experience is precisely that – an opportunity to experience the wonderful world of work first-hand. It’s a great way to get a little nibble of the professional work pie and get your foot in the door.

Even if it only lasts a couple of weeks, a work experience placement looks terrific on your CV. It will impress employers when you go on to apply for jobs or an apprenticeship.

We have hundreds of work experience placements on our site. Give our work experience blog a read and get applying!


If you don’t have the required qualifications or experience, fear not! There are still ways of getting ahead.

Traineeships are a great way of developing the crucial skills and qualifications needed to meet entry requirements for apprenticeships and further education.

They are specifically designed to help young people aged between 16-24 who may not have been able to gain the necessary experience and qualifications during their time at school.

Not only will a trainee develop soft skills like communication, but they’ll also gain essential qualifications in numeracy and literacy.

School Leaver Programmes

Mainly aimed at those in year 13, School Leaver Programmes are apprenticeships where full-time employment and higher education meet.

They’re basically the Hannah Montana of apprenticeships. You get the best of both worlds.

Not only are you provided with all the tools you need to launch your career, but all programmes also earn you pretty decent cash as you’ll be paid! Depending on the scheme, you could make between £15,600 – £21,500.

More Funko Pops, perhaps..?

Don’t catch feelings. Catch flights with a Gap Year Programme

Gap Year Programmes are a chance to get out there and try something new. Essentially, you could call a gap year the ‘University of Life.’

Some people volunteer, others try their hand at teaching, and a few even bungee jump! It’s a great way to see the world, experience different cultures and build lasting relationships with a barrage of great people.

The great thing is you can start a gap year at any time, and you don’t necessarily have to keep it to a year. Gap Years can last anywhere between a few months to longer than one year.

Not yet made a decision? That’s okay too

There are as many options as there are Oreo cookie flavours, so you’re truly spoilt for choice.

Although it might seem daunting, remember you don’t have to make a choice right away. Take your time. You’re making a decision that will impact your life in a big way.

Whatever you decide, make sure it works for you. You want to be able to enjoy your work and feel fulfilled. You deserve that.