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Think of this like an italian deli, but instead of dry-cured hams, fine cheeses and focaccia, we have the very best apprenticeship and careers advice.

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5 Reasons Why A Degree Apprenticeship Will Land You A Job

Degree apprenticeships are so worth it. Read on to find out five reasons why one will land you a job.

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RateMyApprenticeship’s 7 Days of Movement

Stressed out by revision? Move with us through Mental Health Awareness Week, with a new tip to get you moving each day.

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Why You Need A Revision Timetable (With Free Download)

Download our FREE revision timetable to help make your workload more manageable and help you to prioritise the right subjects.

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Cost of Living – 5 Reasons Why Now Is The Best Time To Do an Apprenticeship

Are your pockets feeling the pinch? Sign up for an apprenticeship. You could bag yourself a whopping £30,000 a year by the time you're 21.

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Looking After Your Mental Health

We believe your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Follow these 5 steps to keep your mind healthy.

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Can I do an apprenticeship without GCSEs?

If you’ve left school with no GCSEs, don’t be hard on yourself — there are still ways to snag the qualifications and experience you need to embark on your dream career.

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5 Fun Revision Games To Boss Your Exams

Apprenticeship application getting you down? Don't worry. Our ultimate toolkit has lots of goodies to help you nail your application.

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The 4 Types of Apprenticeships

With such a wide range of apprenticeships on offer, it can be hard to find the right scheme. Read on for a guide to the different types of apprenticeships.

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Which Apprenticeship Levels are Right For Me?

Ready for an apprenticeship but still unsure as to what level you should choose? Read on to find out more.

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Your Guide To Psychometric Testing

Here is your essential guide to psychometric testing, featuring examples and advice to help you triumph over rival candidates →