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EY Latest Case Studies

Level 3 Apprenticeship
Studying at a top university + Internship with a global organisation + Networking with senior business people + Feedback for my future development = My career formulaRugby School, RugbyI had always thought I would go to university. For me, in terms of graduate prospects, social...
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A Day in the Life of
Level 3 Apprenticeship
By way of introduction name is Joshua Edwards and I am a second year Business Trainee at EY, based in London and working in the firm’s Transaction Advisory Services service line, or TAS for short.Like most 18 year olds after A-levels I presumed that in...
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A Day in the Life of
Level 3 Apprenticeship
During my time at school, I was fortunate enough to have work experience at an Investment Bank which gave me a small insight into the financial services industry. From this point onwards, I knew that I wanted to work in the financial sector and rather...
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Finance Apprentice
School Leaver Programme
On Monday our new cohort of business trainees joined their home EY office after three weeks of inductions and professional study. We asked six of them ‘Why did you choose the EY School Leaver programme’ and what they are looking forward to in the next...
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Improving your commercial awareness
Level 3 Apprenticeship
We take a closer at Commerciality and what it means for you during your application process – thinking about what commercial awareness actually is and the ways in which you can tap into your own experiences of it, and helping you demonstrate this in a...
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Five minutes with Ollie
Higher Level Apprenticeship
My original plans post-18 were to go to straight to university, following which I wanted to pursue a career in finance, and to do so I secured a place to study at Exeter University.However I began to look into the alternatives to university when EY...
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Five minutes with Scott
Level 3 Apprenticeship
While studying for my A-levels at school, I was never sure that university was the right option for me. I was interested in finding a job that would allow me to start a career, as it was very important to me that I found something...
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10 things I wish I'd known about applying for a job
Higher Level Apprenticeship
"Make sure you know what the company does and what is happening in the news - it really impresses!"Charlotte, EY School LeaverWhen it comes to the business you want to work with, it’s certainly a case of the more you know, the better. Employers want...
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Discovering your options
Higher Level Apprenticeship
Start by downloading our business careers guide for school leavers. It explains quickly and simply what all the options are for school leavers like you, with an interest in a career in business.
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Jess Clarke
Business Apprentice
Level 3 Apprenticeship
I advise a bank on the taxes they need to pay as their employees move around the world. I’m part of a large, close-knit team. I help people worldwide — and get to work from home certain days of the week which is brilliant for...
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