13 September 2023
Can you do an apprenticeship if you already have a degree?

“You can start an apprenticeship whether you’re starting your career, want a change, or you’re up-skilling in your current job. You can have a previous qualification like a degree and still start an apprenticeship.” – Apprenticeships.gov.uk
It can be difficult to find work in your chosen field straight out of university, especially if you haven’t had the opportunity to do a placement or an internship. It’s like trying to beat the Hulk in a thumb war – hard.
If you’re struggling to land your dream job or are keen to equip yourself with more professional skills, doing an apprenticeship after uni could be your best next move.
Apprenticeships are a fantastic way of gaining skills in a new subject, while earning a wage.
Sounding good so far? Let’s break it down…
- Can you do an apprenticeship if you already have a degree?
- Can I do an apprenticeship if I didn’t finish uni?
- What level 7 apprenticeships are available?
- Will I need to apply for student finance?
Can you do an apprenticeship if you already have a degree?
Absolutely. In fact, you can apply for an apprenticeship after uni whether or not you manage to complete your degree.
However, you can’t apply for an apprenticeship in a subject you already have a degree in. To be eligible for an apprenticeship, you have to be gaining new skills.
For example, if you already have a degree in nuclear engineering — you won’t be able to do a degree apprenticeship in the same subject.
Apprenticeship levels
Apprenticeships start from level 2 and go right up to level 7. Degree apprenticeships are the top dogs of apprenticeships, combining on-the-job experience with working towards qualifications equivalent to a Bachelor’s degree (level 6) or a Master’s degree (level 7).
Level 7 apprenticeships
You might be able to gain more skills in your chosen field with a level 7 apprenticeship — these are equivalent to a Master’s degree. So if you’ve already got a Bachelor’s degree under your belt, you could apply for a level 7 apprenticeship in the same or similar field if it’s available.

Can I do an apprenticeship if I didn’t finish uni?
Yes! If you didn’t finish your degree, you could still apply for an apprenticeship. You’ll be able to pick any apprenticeship between a level 3 (advanced) apprenticeship to a higher (level 4/5) or degree apprenticeship.
What if I fancy doing something different?
Doing an apprenticeship after uni is also perfect if you want to change career paths. Let’s say you studied for a degree in Law but decided that barrister’s wig doesn’t quite suit you, and you’d much prefer a career as a cyber intrusion analyst. Well, now you can.
Quick tip
Get in touch with an apprenticeship training provider for advice about your prior training.
Baltic Apprenticeships is a training provider with a team who help work out what apprenticeships you’re eligible for. They do this by comparing the modules you’ve done at uni with modules in the apprenticeships they offer.
You can also check out our Top 50 Training Providers.
What level 7 apprenticeships are available?
Level 7 apprenticeships (equivalent to a master’s degree) are available in a wide variety of industries. These include…
- Agriculture, Environmental and Animal Care Arts
- Business and Administration and Law
- Catering and Hospitality
- Construction, Planning and the Built Environment
- Creative and Design
- Digital Education and Childcare
- Engineering and Manufacturing
- Health, Public Services and Care
- Information and Communication Technology
- Legal, Finance and Accounting
- Media and Publishing
- Protective Services
- Retail and Commercial Enterprise
- Sales, Marketing and Procurement
- Science and Mathematics
- Transport and Logistics

Will I need to apply for student finance?
Nope. You won’t need to borrow a penny more.
One of the most alluring qualities of an apprenticeship is that you earn a salary. That means cash money. Mula. Bread. That’s because an apprenticeship is a full-time job.
How much you get paid varies by scheme. According to the thousands of reviews on RateMyApprenticeship.co.uk, the average apprenticeship salary was £16,184.
Higher and degree apprenticeships salary
Those who did a higher apprenticeship were paid an average of £23,987, with degree apprentices earning around £22,089. That’s more than enough to contribute towards that uncontrollably large, fast-growing record collection.
If you’ve finished your degree and are looking for experience within your chosen field, why not move up to the next level? Or start a career in a completely different industry?
We have hundreds of apprenticeships at all levels, available RIGHT NOW, including opportunities in the business, finance and marketing sectors. Click below to get started.
Written by Melchi
Melchi is a stan of the written word and joined the RateMyApprenticeship team as a Content Executive in 2021. Melchi started his career writing culture content for WeAreCollision magazine before completing an MA in International Journalism at City University and interning at Insider Inc. He now uses his head-thesaurus to write inspiring content to help young people make great career choices. These include everything from blogs about how to write your first CV to industry guides outlining the latest apprenticeship opportunities. Outside of writing, Melchi loves all things music and is a DJ!