2 February 2023

National Apprenticeship Week 2023

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National Apprenticeship Week (NAW 2023) is like the Reading and Leeds Festival, but for apprenticeships. Think of it as a celebration of all the hottest bands right now, but instead it’s the work of apprentices, not Dua Lipa. 

It takes place between the 6th and 12th of February 2023, and will be more exciting than ever. 

Here is everything you need to know about National Apprenticeship Week 2023…

What is National Apprenticeship Week?

National Apprenticeship Week is a week-long celebration of apprenticeships in England. It’s organised by the National Apprenticeship Service, and this will be its 16th year. 

NAW brings together all characters from within the apprenticeship community – employers, training providers, apprentices and young people who are thinking of taking the apprenticeship path. 

Just like last year, it will be a week-long celebration of apprentices. In particular, how they can reach their career goals by building skills during an apprenticeship.

Did you know, the average apprenticeship wage for 2023 is £20,740?

Pretty cool right!

Skills for Life

‘Skills for Life’ has been announced as the theme for NAW 2023. The National Apprenticeship Service says ‘Skills for Life’ aims to reflect on ‘how apprenticeships can help individuals to develop the skills and knowledge required for a rewarding career.’ 

There are a crazy number of careers available through apprenticeships. So explore and see what’s out there!

Why is NAW so important?

Apprenticeships are now considered to be an equal and real alternative to going to university. 

In the past, they were seen as routes into trade industries – perfect for young people looking to become electricians or plumbers. Apprenticeships were for those who were not very academic. That was the perception. 

Now, the reality is much different. Apprenticeships are a logical route for high achievers that want to start a career immediately after leaving school or college.

There are also opportunities offered by all of the big companies (did someone say Channel 4, Virgin Media and Mcdonald’s?), across every sector. 

And each year, the number and range of apprenticeships on offer increases. That is why NAW is so important… to highlight the amazing stories of former and current apprentices, and inspire others to kick-start their own career.

“Apprenticeships give people a chance to learn, earn and achieve”

Alex Burghart, Minister for Apprenticeships and Skills

How RateMyApprenticeship is getting involved in #NAW2023

You may have already guessed but RateMyApprenticeship is really passionate about apprenticeships. We just love them.

Bringing young, enthusiastic and talented individuals into a business has huge benefits for all involved. 

Apprentices inject fresh ideas and impetus into a brand, fill skills gaps and overall transform how a business works.

During the week we will be sending out tons of handy resources to our community of students, with the aim of helping them in all areas of apprenticeships, from finding them to landing them, and everything in between.

We will also be hosting our brand NEW Instagram Live series throughout the week on Monday 6th, Wednesday 8th and Thursday 9th February at 5pm, with some very special guests…

We’ll be speaking to Abresham about his experience as a Cyber Security apprentice at Vodafone on Monday.

On Wednesday, we’ll hear from former Law apprentice Maia from @MyLegalCareer. And to wrap up the week, an Apprenticeship Recruiter will share what they look for when hiring. All three will be jam-packed with helpful advice, including…

  • The application process + their advice on how to make your applications stand out
  • The training experience
  • The social perks of being an apprentice.

Hear from real apprentices

How my apprenticeship skyrocketed my career

“My apprenticeship has helped me progress as a person and as a management team member. Before the Level 3 Management course, I wasn’t very good at difficult discussions with my team or customers.

However, I developed the skills needed to combat these difficult discussions. I am hoping to do the Level 4 management course with Toolstation.”

A Day in the Life of a Management Apprentice at BSS

“One of the perks of my job is that I get to experience lots of different departments, including hire and sales, as well as the warehouse. 

I’ve worked at five branches already and spent time at more. Even though my responsibilities change each day, this is what a typical day for me looks like.”

Our Tips for NAW 2023

We’ve put together these tips to make sure you get the most out of NAW 2023. These are useful for everyone whether you’re a student, a teacher, a careers advisor, a parent, we’ve got you covered.

  • Sign up to RateMyApprenticeship below to be the first to know about school and college leaver jobs and to keep up with all #NAW2023 activity
  • Have a read of our latest Guide to Career Options and Best Apprenticeships in the UK page. They’re chock-full of useful info
  • Find bags of useful content on our social media channels: InstagramTikTokFacebook and Linkedin
  • Plus, follow the hashtags #NAW2023 and #SkillsforLife to hear some of the incredible stories apprentices and employers have to share.