Students Advice
In this section you’ll find advice on application processes and information about apprenticeships.

The 4 Types of Apprenticeships
With such a wide range of apprenticeships on offer, it can be hard to find the right scheme. Read on for a guide to the different types of apprenticeships.

Which Apprenticeship Levels are Right For Me?
Ready for an apprenticeship but still unsure as to what level you should choose? Read on to find out more.

Your Guide To Psychometric Testing
Here is your essential guide to psychometric testing, featuring examples and advice to help you triumph over rival candidates →

The Top 6 Skills You Need to Land an Apprenticeship
Started your search for work experience? Find out about six skills you need to land an apprenticeship

5 Simple Ways to Show Off Your Skills in An Application
Application season is in full swing. Employers are swimming in CVs and cover letters, but how can you make sure you stand out and set yourself apart? Your skills. Here are 5 ways you can show off your skills in an application.

Hard Skills vs Soft Skills: Why You Should Know the Difference
You’ve probably heard about soft and hard skills, or seen job descriptions mention them. Read on to find out what these skills are exactly and how they differ from each other.

A Guide To Career Options 2024
Can't decide what to do when you leave school or college? Read our FREE digital guide to discover your career options, and how to get there.

RateMyApprenticeship’s 12 Days of Christmas
If you are considering doing an apprenticeship, this is a must-read! Here is our guide to the highest paid apprenticeships in the UK.

Apprenticeship Accommodation: Everything You Need To know
Moving away for your apprenticeship? Here's everything you need to know to help you settle into your new home.

The Most Common Apprenticeship Interview Questions (and how to answer them)
Applying for an apprenticeship? That's marvellous news. Here is our guide to preparing for apprenticeship interview questions.