
  • 1. Please give an overview of what your virtual experience involved:
  • - Attending workshops focusing on employability skills and personal branding. - Practicing video interviews. - Learning about how BDO operates and gaining an understanding of the different streams. - Researching a charity before creating a presentation as part of a team. - Connecting with current employees at the firm and other candidates.


  • 2. What training and skills development did you learn from your virtual experience?
  • - Employability skills - Personal branding - Interview skills - Presentation practice


  • 3. To what extent did you enjoy your virtual experience?
  • The programme is great for learning more about the industry in which BDO operates. I enjoyed meeting with the other candidates and speaking to employees.


  • 4. How well organised was your virtual experience?
  • It was very well structured with a mix of sessions on Hopin and Microsoft Teams. I had a clear timetable for each day and it was easy to follow.


  • 5. How much did you learn about the company culture and what it would be like to work there?
  • The programme included sessions specifically focused on the corporate culture including its 'BUILD' framework. I got to ask plenty of questions to employees from each business stream which gave a good picture of what working for BDO entails.


  • 6. How much did your virtual experience help you in deciding on your future career path?
  • It helped me learn about what a career in the professional services industry is like on a day to day basis. I got perspectives from current trainees and school leavers.


  • 7. Were you paid or reimbursed for this experience?
  • This programme was entirely virtual, no paid work took place. On invitation to the programme I received BDO branded merchandise including a hoodie and water bottle.


  • 8. Were there opportunities for networking and meeting other employees?
  • Yes, I have vastly improved my LinkedIn network by connecting with BDO employees and other candidates. The Hopin platform used had a networking feature that allowed me to speak to others taking part on the programme. I had several opportunities to talk to employees.


  • 9a. Would you recommend BDO to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • I have completed several virtual programmes, BDO's was by far the best put together with opportunities to learn, network and collaborate on a group presentation. Despite taking place online everyone was involved and it was very interactive.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to BDO?
  • Ensure you have a steady internet connection.


Virtual Event or Experience



July 2021

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