
  • 1. Please give an overview of what your work experience involved:
  • It involved learning about different and new technologies as well as creating a tech based invention including the presentation and a prototype. The invention was based on solving an everyday problem and creating a useful as well as realistic solution which included knowing how it would work, incorporating Internet of Things as well as advertising and start-up fund.


  • 2. What training and skills development did you learn from your work experience?
  • We developed our abilities to innovate and create as well as increasing our tech as well as business acumen to include knowledge of various up and coming technologies as well as knowing how they will fit into the everyday lives of those in society as well as learning how to create better and more proffesional powerpoints.


  • 3. To what extent did you enjoy your work experience?
  • I enjoyed it very much as I was introduced to some very intelligent people as well as being able to access an environment were I could talk of 'nerdy' things like space technology and be recieved with the same excitement. It was eye-opening to the power of technology and also our progression with those different technologies


  • 4. How well organised was your work experience?
  • It was extremely well organised with speeches, innovators and emmersive sessions as well as an off-sight trip. They provided food on 2 occasions and we were continously given water and snacks. Each part of the program was well-resourced and thought about before being involved which allowed for a smoother experience.


  • 5. How much did you learn about the company culture and what it would be like to work there?
  • i learnt a lot about the environment and how people interact within the environment . It was interesting to learn about their 'dress for your day ' policy which allows workers to dress how they wish depending on the nature of their work that day as well as having a diverse and inclusive workforce.


  • 6. How much did your work experience help you in deciding on your future career path?
  • It allowed me to think of careers that more thoroughly incorporate technology into the workload as well as thinking of jobs that are different from what I was originally thinking because it includes more tech. The employees give positive reviews about working here which makes it clear to see how well they are provided for.


  • 7. Were you paid or reimbursed for this experience?
  • Yes, we were paid an hourly fee of 9.64 as well as travel costs being reimbursed depending on distance and how much you would have to travel. Lunches on 3 days had to be self-sourced but this was fine as they are based in the city centre and are surrounded by cheap options for food.


  • 8. Were there opportunities for networking and meeting other employees?
  • Yes, on multiple occasions we met other employees whether they were apprentices, mentors or managers through them being active in certain sessions and allowing for multiple questions to be directed their way. Networking was minimal due to the nature of our work experience but this was balanced by having a better chance at doing more PWC experiences due to doing this one.


  • 9a. Would you recommend PwC to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • It was enjoyable throughout the week and allows for an immersive experience while learning new skills and also learning more about business, Digital technology ie robotics and Internet of Things. They also allow for campus tour of University of Birmingham which is quite useful for people my age who are considering universities

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to PwC?
  • Allows give their full attention and work to the best of their potential a well as being open minded to insight weeks that werent their first choice as it still intrigued me as well as being fun, useful and teaching me knowledge that can be applied elsewhere despite not going into what the week was focused on


Work Experience

Information Technology


August 2019

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