
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • My Role is to help the engineer on shift and to shadow what they do, trying to take in as much information as I can. I'm also at college on block release, so the company put me up in a hotel in Chester and arrange my transport to/from college. When at work, I must also complete my training logbook as practise for when i start my work-based NVQ next year. Some of the jobs I've completed this year include being harnessed to the top of a tank and changing the seal on a >100kg motor and completing wiring installations through the use of a MWEP.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • I have learn many new technical/hand skills during practical work at college and on the job. I have learnt to tap/die a hole, use a lathe, use a milling machine and to MIG weld. At work I have developed many mechanical skills, from visual fault finding, to changing bearings and mechanical seals. In terms of existing skills, I didn't have much mechanical experience prior to coming into my apprenticeship but have improved my planning and communication skills which i picked up in my later years of school and part-time work.


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I've really enjoyed the college work, learning new skills and the external courses we've been on with the other apprentices, allowing us to meet many new people in the same situation. In work I've enjoyed every job i have completed but it can sometimes be a struggle to get enough jobs, due to a lack of experience/competency (not having the qualifications). It can sometimes be frustrating to just have to observe and not be able to get stuck in - but this is all part of the learning curve.


  • 4. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • The apprenticeship is well-structured from Unilever, the plan is clear and set out of what qualifications we do and when. The college course was also developed by Unilever to best suit the company and we go to college with other apprentices from across the UK (all Unilever). However, I sometimes feel that the communication between the college and Unilever is lacking, with the college being unsure of the qualifications which they're meant to be providing us and which students will be with them next year. At work the programme is organised quite well and we've been provided with tools and necessary equipment to complete all jobs we're able to. However, sometimes it feels like there isn't enough we can do and our time isn't filled 100%.


  • 5. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • The HR team has a sub-team - the future careers team, which are very helpful as they allow for us apprentices and graduates to have a voice (not just within our own factory) and are happy to help with any concerns. My line manager has been very helpful and worked on Jobs with me himself and helped organise jobs for me to do for my NVQ and pass on the knowledge he learnt in his apprenticeship over 10 years ago. At my factory, Burton, there is no apprentice Mentor - which I know most other factories in the UK have, so sometimes it can be difficult to find someone with the time to be able to help us as much as we might need. However, any issues I have had or guidance needed my line manager and Future careers teams have been able to help. As well as this a few of the engineers on shift have been excellent and given up their time to help my learning.


  • 6. How much support do you receive from your training provider when working towards your qualifications?
  • The tutors at college provide some support, however it can often just be self-research and powerpoints, meaning that I have to learn it all myself. When there have been issues they've been happy to try and help and support when needed. I enjoy the college work, but that is as I'm quite comfortable with self-teaching and research.


  • 7. How well do you feel that your qualification (through your training provider) helps you to perform better in your role?
  • I think in terms of providing the base layer of knowledge through the NVQ and BTEC it allows me to understand problems I come accross in my day-to-day life. The details and specific aspects will never be the same but if i have that base blanket knowledge then it allows me to pick up the more complex problems & devices and build my knowledge.


  • 8. Are there extra-curricular activities to get involved in at your work? (For example, any social activities, sports teams, or even professional networking events.)
  • We have had an apprentice connect event, which grouped all UK & Ireland Apprentices together and went on an 'Outward Bound' course with the UK supply chain apprentices as an ice breaker to network and get to know everyone. My factory is a very small site and there is only myself and 1 other apprentice so it is difficult to get social events and sports events going - especially with the shift patterns; although i would love 5-aside team.


  • 9a. Would you recommend Unilever to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • Because the amount of time and courses that they invest in you is excellent. It allows you to really develop a big understanding of your field which will open up many doors both within Unilever and externally (if you choose that route) come the end of the apprenticeship. As a company of the multi-national size it is, it allows you to get a feel working for a big company and seeing how they're run/operated.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Unilever?
  • I would ensure that you are passionate about the field you want to go into, make sure you're not just doing it because you're unsure or someone else told you to. If you are interested in engineering/supply chain/any of the roles they offer, then over the course of the apprenticeship you will have the opportunity to develop a wide skill set and knowledge base. In terms of the interview they were very relaxed but make sure you prepare yourself and have answers to questions you think they might ask - and have some questions for them too! In my assessment day I was very nervous but i went in prepared with a powerpoint, cue-cards, statistics on their company and they made me feel very welcome. If you are to get the role make sure you get involved in everything you can and always push and ask for more work and more opportunities.


School Leaver Programme


Burton upon Trent

April 2020

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