Pizza Hut profile

About Pizza Hut

The average person spends 40 hours a week at work. so in total that's [quick tip tap on the old calculator] 90,360 hours of your life at work! 90,360 hours?! Don't you think it should be fun? We do. Much of that is about behaviour. We choose to behave in a way that's best for ourselves and best for others. No prima donnas, no work-shy clockwatchers. We treat each other well and encourage each other's ideas. We do nice things like say ‘thank you' and if a workmate's struggling we leap to their rescue. There's a lot of love in the room.

We believe in you. We invest in you and make sure you're happy with how you're contributing - and learning. The resources we offer are vast: from induction programmes and online learning, even the chance to study for professional qualifications. Think of it like you're navigating your Pizza Hut career across a big road map. We'll give you everything you need to understand the business including: in-store training, mentoring, leadership, development, coaching and facilitation skills.

Opportunities offered:

  • Level 3 Apprenticeship
  • Higher Level Apprenticeship
  • Level 2 Apprenticeship
  • Degree Apprenticeship

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