
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • The job i currently work under is company car administrator, the daily taks that come with this postion can range from requesting which vehicles need to be delivered and when to ensure they are ready for appointments to rasing payment requests on invoices sent in from dealers. The interactions i have internally apart from memebers of my team occur with other departments, these could be HR, distribution, Finance and Used vehicles. The interactions i have externally on a daily basis can be with retirees from both brand and employees who run vehicles on the scheme to other companies e.g Gefco, ABS, the AA and also our dealer network. The responsibilites i have been given in the department are to ensure our stock levels of new vehciles remain low and to the targets set by directors, ensuring a quick payment of dealer invoices and to give a high level of customer service. The projects i have been involved in is the merge of the two seperate car schemes into one harmonised scheme and the implementation of new systems. The work i can be doing on a daily basis can vary from my daily job roles to focusing on one particular issue if it arises.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • The skills i have accquired since being in the company car department have been to create a confident and professional phone manner when dealing with customers and outside businesses, to enhance my abilities on microsoft office by using them on a daily basis and to establish relationships with other team members and individuals from other departments and other companies. As well as learning these skills i have been on an advanced Excel training course and been working towards my level two NVQ in business and administration.


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at PSA so far and working witht the team of people around me, the work i do is enjoyable and versatile as i could be doing different work all the time. The company as a whole is a good place to work as you feel you have the support needed which helped to settle in so quickly and ensure that i was working in a stress-free environment too.


  • 4. How valued do you feel by Stellantis?
  • Following our recent annual appraisal, i definetly do feel valued within the team and by my manager and supervisor as well. The involvment with external bodies has also given me the sense of being valued as i have establish good relationships with these people as well as having gotten feedback from them on the work i have completed too, this then helps me grow within the business.


  • 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • My introduction into the company as a whole was rushed but impressive, the inital support we recived from HR before offically starting in our new postions was very pleasing. Once in the department i was working it this became more chaotic with two seperate ways of working and with established members of the team leaving, there was no real structure set until a few month after but even then we were learing as we were working instead of being showed what needs to be done and how.


  • 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
  • We recieve visits every couple of months from our NVQ assessor, when he is with us any issues we have are dealt with immediatly and we are given the support needed to carry out the next section of work set. I have a very good relationship with my assessor and feel i can contact him any time with issues i may face and he has been more than helpful when this has been needed.


  • 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • The support i recive from my Manager/mentor is fantastic, we have weekly informal chats or meetings just to review any issues he has or i have, whenever these have been raised we can openly talk and reslove them quickly. The HR team have also been great, i have been lucky to have been in a situation where i felt i needed to go to HR but whenever i have had meetings or reviews with them they have been constructive and positive,


  • 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
  • Being only 19 and still living at home, the salary i recieve is fantastic, even with the duduction for the company car i am more than comfortable and never feel that the pay i receive under values the work i do. All of my monthly expenses are paid for and i luckily have some leftover for either savings, social or purchases i want more than i need which is unlike a lot of other apprentices i know who do not live at home.


  • 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
  • There is always something going on outside of work, these can be initiated by HR themselves with more formal events e.g.christmas parties or gala days at work and also charity events too. The can also come from members of the team with nights out and football on Monday nights and also from just the apprentices themselves. It's nice to get involved in different events and i like doing them too.


  • 9. Would you recommend Stellantis to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • Being at PSA has given me the understanding of what working in an business enviroment is really like, it has been an enjoyable experience and the perks that come with working here are fantastic. Through the apprenticeship you learn a lot of new skills as well as meet some really friendly people. You will also meet friends for life if you join the company too I'm pretty sure.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Stellantis?
  • The best i could offer for other applying to PSA would be to be as honest as possible in interviews to ensure you are placed in a department you would enjoy and get the most out of. When taking part in the assessment days, try to take part as much as possible and interact with as many candidates as possible, there are no benefits of sitting quitely not speaking to anyone as one of the main skills needed when working at PSA is being able to interact with people


Level 3 Apprenticeship


East Midlands

May 2017

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