
  • 1. Please give an overview of your role and what this involves on a day-to-day basis:
  • I am the Product and Pricing Coordinator Apprentice at Vauxhall Motors, Griffin House. My day to day tasks include basic oil orders for trade sites, dealing with general enquiries, raising sundry credits and debits and making and taking telephone calls. My interactions internally daily include direct contact with other colleagues in my department to get relevant information about suppliers, dealers and orders. It also sometimes means contacting the finance team regarding credits and speaking to Marketing and Aftersales marketing team. At present, most of the responsibility of questions coming in from dealers, bonanzas and promotions etc. falls to me. I regularly deal with invoicing, failed orders, the warehouse, reviewing pricings, direct dealer and supplier contact. I am running a project at present reviewing a current supplier and their performance. We are currently in the process of looking at other suppliers to see if there would be any value to changing supplier. The project is mine to review and compare the two and decide ultimately on making the switch after analyzing costs, margin, contribution etc. I feel as though my role is very fulfilling and has the ability to grow and adapt to challenge me as I progress.


  • 2. Have you learnt any new skills or developed existing skills?
  • I have learnt to adapt to changes suddenly if something doesn't go well to begin with. We have been supplied with presentation training, safe driver training and we have access to other training courses also should we so wish to attend and I'd know who to contact in this situation. I haven't been made aware of any external training courses, however I would still know who to ask for this and this would be something I'd be interested in in the future. I have improved my organizational skills since working in this department and my knowledge and understanding of mathematical skills and Excel programme has increased significantly in the short time that I have been working at Vauxhall. I have been given access to ordering systems and now know how to navigate and use these systems confidently. I have learnt how the 'behind the scenes' of Vauxhall works, particularly Aftersales. I have learnt more about the financial side of business and how it works (e.g. Margin, Contribution, etc.) and how Break Even would work. I've also learnt a lot about how the trade dealers operate and this has given me a lot of insight into my own role as well as those of my colleagues around me.


  • 3. To what extent do you enjoy your programme?
  • I absolutely love my job role. I hope to home in Aftersales as my time in Vauxhall progresses. We have had several issues with the college which is the most disappointing aspect of the apprenticeship. Not because of the course, but the lack of organization and teaching from the college provider itself. My team are absolutely fantastic, they are so friendly and helpful and I appreciate their assistance when I have any issues. I feel as though the department dynamics are amazing and that we all work very well together. The job role itself has exceeded my expectations as I was told it was going to be much less than it has turned out to be and I was worried it wouldn't be challenging enough! The college side of the apprenticeship has really been a disappointment but again, this is not by fault of Vauxhall, we have just had a very bad experience with the provider. In addition to this, since my year started at Vauxhall, a lot of things are changing with the new handover times, etc. and I feel as though when we were told about the apprenticeship and everything, a lot has changed.


  • 4. How valued do you feel by Stellantis?
  • I feel as though it depends on what time it is within the company and who it is you're referring to. Generally speaking, I feel rather valued at Vauxhall. I regularly get told by my managers that I am doing a good job and this is nice. Internal recognitions include the EXCITE award, but I feel as though not enough people nominate those deserving of the award and this is something I think needs to be improved or highlighted more often. Perhaps emails to go around once or twice a month to remind people that it is there and encouragement for them to nominate. I feel as though I am adequately involved in various tasks and have asked, in future, to be included in more meetings to develop my learning further.


  • 5. How well organised/structured is your programme?
  • It is, as a whole, relatively well structured. There are times where things aren't organized as well as they should be but I think that is a universal issue with large organisations.


  • 6a. How much support do you receive from your training provider?
  • The support outside of the classroom from our training provider, as negative as it sounds, is practically non-existent. It doesn't feel like they care very much or that they want to help us outside of designated education time. We get one session before an assignment is due and this is stretched between all of the students.


  • 6b. How much support do you receive from your employer?
  • The employer are fantastic and very supportive. Accessibility of support is very easy and the attitude towards listening and helping is always very positive. My mentor is amazing (I was appointed one but I went out and spoke to someone of my own to learn from) and she is so helpful and insightful.


  • 7. How well does your salary/package meet your costs?
  • The salary for myself I think is very good for an apprenticeship wage. The only thing I'd say (and this is nothing to do with work as such) but I live in Milton Keynes so travel can be expensive. As well as this, college is in Bedford so on top of people having to travel there, we have to pay for the privilege of parking in the college car park, however they have very few spaces so if you don't get a space, you may have to pay £7 or more to park at college!


  • 8. Are there many opportunities outside of work?
  • Yes there are lots of company events and activities, we are allowed an annual CSR day and there are plenty of events planned at the local sports Centre (bubble football) and leisure activities that other Apprentices/Undergrads plan for socialization.


  • 9. Would you recommend Stellantis to a friend?
  • Yes

  • 9b. Why?
  • I think it's a very good place for a young person to get into because the training is extensive and the support for the younger employees is amazing. They are very helpful when it comes to understanding the needs and desires of their Apprentices and I believe this is really important as it gives people options rather than going to University or not being able to get their dream job due to qualification limitations.

  • 10. What tips or advice would you give to others applying to Stellantis?
  • Just be yourself, inspire people daily and try to remember that being a happy and friendly person boosts morale. Be efficient and always keep on top of your work and you'll go far. The application process is thorough, you'll go to an assessment centre for some tests and then be asked to come in for a series of interviews. Be prepared with a Powerpoint presentation about yourself - keep it short and simple but make sure you shine through just the PowerPoint. I would like to have been told that there were going to be so many people in the presentations! It was fine, just unexpected. Everything happened very quickly so be sure to have all of your information prepared and be aware that you'll be in a 'handover period' if selected - get stuck in early and show what you're about!


Level 3 Apprenticeship

Business Operations

East of England

April 2017

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